10 - Listening Post
Listening posts are defined as " a place or opportunity to hear about what's going on." (Product Focus) This definition opens a wide variety of places or opportunities to hear the news. As someone who drives far distances very frequently, I listen to a lot of podcasts! Most are true-crime podcasts, and others are mental health/religious podcasts or Rodeo news podcasts.
Each podcast serves a different purpose. My true crime podcast keeps me informed about missing person cases, cold cases, and recent developments in cases you don't hear in the mass media. They also give you tips on how to stay safe and actions to take to keep from becoming a victim. Those tips give me peace of mind as a single woman who travels a lot alone.
When I listen to mental health podcasts it's normally when I'm on the way to a rodeo. My mental game/toughness is a huge proponent of how I perform, because it is my main source of income and to get paid I have to win. The pressure of taking care of my four-legged athletes and myself can take a toll so I like to do what I can to stay ahead of the game.
I am Christian and I am in a season of growth, so I like to listen to religious podcasts doing simple chores and even when I ride my horses. It is very important to spend time in the presence of the lord and seek him out every day, listening to podcasts and learning more bout Christ helps me accomplish that goal.
The Rodeo world is constantly evolving like many other sports. We now have news channels like professional football. Myself, as a person who is seeking to become a professional athlete, I like to Keep up with what's going on in the world of Professional Rodeo. On Mondays, I listen to these podcasts while I do barn chores.
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